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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement on Domodedovo Terroristic Act
                  EAJC Statement on Domodedovo Terroristic Act

                  EAJC Statement on Domodedovo terroristic act.

                  EAJC President Visits Moldova
                  EAJC President Visits Moldova
                  The Euro Asian Jewish Congress President (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich has made a working visit to Chisinau.
                  EAJC Condolences To Shimon Peres
                  EAJC Condolences To Shimon Peres
                  EAJC Condolences to President of Israel Shimon Peres
                  In Memoriam of Righteous Gentile Nikolai Dorozhinsky
                  In Memoriam of Righteous Gentile Nikolai Dorozhinsky
                  It is with great sorrow that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has learned of the passing of Nikolai Nikolaievich Dorozhinsky, a brave and vibrant man, who was a long-time friend and partner of the Congress.
                  EAJC Comment on Arrest of Suspects in Bishkek Synagogue Terroristic Attack
                  EAJC Comment on Arrest of Suspects in Bishkek Synagogue Terroristic Attack
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is attentively watching the investigation of the terroristic act that took place on September 9, 2010, in the Bishkek synagogue, the only synagogue in Kyrhyzstan.
                  EAJC Leader Congratulated on Academician Title
                  EAJC Leader Congratulated on Academician Title
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President Alexander Mashkevich has received many congratulatory letters on the account of him being elected an Acting Fellow of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences.
                  Russian-speaking South Florida Community Receives Torah Scroll
                  Russian-speaking South Florida Community Receives Torah Scroll
                  The Chabad Russian Center of South Florida has welcomed a new Torah. The Torah scroll was donated by Emmanuil Grinshpun and Boris Litovsky, vice presidents of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC). The generous donors were inspired to make their gift by their friend and well known philanthropist, Alexander Mashkevich, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish congress.
                  Armenian Jewish Community Leader Awarded Certificate of Gratitude by Armenian President
                  Armenian Jewish Community Leader Awarded Certificate of Gratitude by Armenian President
                  On the 13th of November, the Chairman of the Jewish Community of Armenia, EAJC General Council Member Rimma Vardjyapetyan-Feller was awarded a certificate of gratutude by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.
                  Alexander Mashkevich Creates Support Fund for Social Research
                  Alexander Mashkevich Creates Support Fund for Social Research
                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich and representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences have come to a decision to create a Social Research Support Fund.
                  EAJC President Becomes Academician
                  EAJC President Becomes Academician
                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Doctor of Philosophy Alexander Mashkevich has been elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences (RASS). This was announced by the President of the Academy, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Gennadiy Osipov at a joint assembly of the RASS and the Academic Board of the RAS Institute of Socio-Political Research, which took place on the 12th of December in the President Hall of the main RAS building in Moscow.
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