In Memoriam of Righteous Gentile Nikolai Dorozhinsky
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  In Memoriam of Righteous Gentile Nikolai Dorozhinsky

                  Nikolai Dorozhinsky

                  In Memoriam of Righteous Gentile Nikolai Dorozhinsky


                  It is with great sorrow that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has learned of the passing of Nikolai Nikolaievich Dorozhinsky, a brave and vibrant man, who was a long-time friend and partner of the Congress. Nikolai Nikolaevich was a former underage prisoner of fascism and Righteous Gentile, whose name has been engraved on the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem.

                  When war came to Herson, his home city, Dorozhinsky was 11 years old. The Russian boy harbored a Jewish boy of the same age as himself, and saved his life by saying he was his brother. Throughout life in the occcupied city, through the long prisoner transportation to Germanym through the transit camp and mandatory slave labor, Nikolai Dorozhinsky kept up the charade. Thanks to his support, Volodya survived to see the Victory,

                  After his retirement, Nikolai Nikolaevich dedicated himself to social work. He was chosen to be the chairman of the Russian Union of Former Underage Fascist Concentration Camp Prisoners, and became the president of the Russian Club of Righetous Gentiles. He had to deal with getting fair compensations to prisoners of Nazism. When working on this problem, Dorozhinsky was part of the joint Belorussian, Russian and Ukrainian delegation in the 1999 Berlin negotiations to provide compensatory payment to the victims of slave and forced labor. It was in part through his efforts that a compensation sum was agreed upon.

                  He has been decorated with the Order of Friendship by the President of the Russian Federation for his active participation in international community work. The International Union of Former Underage Prisoners of Fascism was decorated with its "Merits Sign."

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress also noted Dorozhinky's activity by awarding him with the highest EAJC award – the "For Merits" medal.

                  The leadership and workers of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, everyone who knew Nikolai Nikolaevich, present their deeply-felt condolences to his friends and family. The bright memory of this wonderful person shall forever remain with us.