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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Presents Diploma to Righteous Gentile
                  EAJC Presents Diploma to Righteous Gentile
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) sent their salutations to Righteous Gentile Taisiya Lukashenko for her 95th anniversary, and presented her with a diploma “For courage and nobility during the years of World War II.”
                  EAJC Sponsors “What? Where? When?” Competition in Eilat
                  EAJC Sponsors “What? Where? When?” Competition in Eilat
                  On the 11th of November, the international EAJC-sponsored ''What? When? Where?'' competition, ''Znatokiada-2010,'' opened in Eilat.
                  EAJC Contributes to Holocaust Memorial
                  EAJC Contributes to Holocaust Memorial
                  On the 7th of November, a monument was erected in Marinopol village in memory of the local Jewish community, which was destroyed by the Nazis during 1941-1945.
                  EAJC First Vice President Provides Charitable Assistance to "Migdal Ohr" Educational Network
                  EAJC First Vice President Provides Charitable Assistance to "Migdal Ohr" Educational Network
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) First Vice President Michael Mirilashvili has made a one million US dollar donation in support of the Israeli educational network ''Migdal Ohr'' on behalf of the EAJC.
                  Project Kesher Charity Event in Women's Prison and "Women's Health" Round Table
                  Project Kesher Charity Event in Women's Prison and "Women's Health" Round Table
                  Project Kesher activities. On the 27th of October, a charity event took place at the Vyshnevolotskaya women's prison camp #5. at the initiative of the international women's organization ''Project Kesher,'' which is a part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC). On the 28th of October, the ''Health of the Women – Health of Society'' round table took place in the building of the administration of the Krasnoarmeyskiy district of Volgograd.
                  Seminar on Tolerance for Future Journalists in Ostroh Academy
                  Seminar on Tolerance for Future Journalists in Ostroh Academy
                  On the 6th of November, a seminar on tolerance, xenophobia, migration, and life of national minorities for students of journalism took place in the National University ''Ostroh Academy'' (city of Ostroh, Rivnenska oblast, Ukraine).
                  Young Leader School in Chernovtsy.
                  Young Leader School in Chernovtsy.

                  The ''Steps Towards Each Other'' School for young leaders is currently taking place in Chernovtsy (Ukraine). The school is aimed at intercultural interaction and is for young leaders from different regions of Ukraine and Moldova who represent different ethnic communities.

                  Almaty Conference “Jews in Kazakhstan: Tradition, History, Culture”
                  Almaty Conference “Jews in Kazakhstan: Tradition, History, Culture”

                  The Fifth International Conference “Jews in Kazakhstan: Tradition, History, Culture”  took place in Almaty on the 28th of October. The sub-topic of the conference was “Evacuation – Resurrecting the Past.”

                  Salutations to the Head Rabbi of Russia!
                  Salutations to the Head Rabbi of Russia!

                  Salutations to the Head Rabbi of Russia!

                  “Project Kesher” Seminar on Health Held In Kiev
                  “Project Kesher” Seminar on Health Held In Kiev
                  The International Jewish women's organization ''Project Kesher,'' which is part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), has given a seminar in Kiev. Leaders of women's groups from twenty cities from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.
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