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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Josef Zisels Reads Lecture on Tolerance in Kyiv
                  Josef Zisels Reads Lecture on Tolerance in Kyiv
                  On the 17th of March, in the Kyiv House of Scientists, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman, Executive Vice President of the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine Josef Zisels spoke on ''Xenophobia and Fostering Tolerance'' as part of the '' Public Lectures.''
                  Jewish Community of Japan Collects Funds for Earthquake Victims
                  Jewish Community of Japan Collects Funds for Earthquake Victims
                  The Jewish community of Japan, which is a part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, has announced that it is beginning to collect funds to aid the victims of the recent earthquake in Japan
                  EAJC President Salutes Participants of Skopje Celebrations
                  EAJC President Salutes Participants of Skopje Celebrations
                  A celebration tied to the opening of the Holocaust Memorial Center took place in the capital of Macedonia, Skopje, under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic Nikola Gruevsky.
                  EAJC Statement on Murder of Jewish Family in Itamar
                  EAJC Statement on Murder of Jewish Family in Itamar
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has received the news of the horrible terroristic act in the Israeli settlement Itamar with pain and anger.
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Congratulates Haim Ben Yakov on the Birth of His Daughter
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Congratulates Haim Ben Yakov on the Birth of His Daughter

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Congratulates Haim Ben Yakov on the Birth of His Daughter

                  EAJC President Meets With Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais.
                  EAJC President Meets With Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais.
                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich met in Atana with the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais Audronius Azubalis, who was in Kazakhstan with an official visit. Lithuania has begun its chairmanship in the OSCE on January 1, 2011, having replaced Kazakhstan on this post.
                  EAJC Intercedes for Former Refuseniks
                  EAJC Intercedes for Former Refuseniks
                  During his work visit to Israel, the Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Professor Michael Chlenov has held a number of meetings with the chairman of the Knesset Committee for Aliyah, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, Danny Danon (Likud). EAJC representative in Israel, Haim Ben-Yakov and veteran of the Independent Jewish Movement of the USSR Yuli Kosharovsky also took part in the meeting.
                  EAJC President Meet With Kyrgyzstan Leadership
                  EAJC President Meet With Kyrgyzstan Leadership
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President Alexander Mashkevich has made a working visit to Kyrgyzstan.
                  Jewish Community and Christchurch Earthquake
                  Jewish Community and Christchurch Earthquake

                  News on the Christchurch Jewish community in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake

                  JAFI to be Reformed
                  JAFI to be Reformed
                  The Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Professor Michael Chlenov has taken part in the latest session of the Trustee Council of the Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI), which took place at the end of February in Israel.
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