EAJC President Meets With Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC President Meets With Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais.

                  Andronius Anzubalius (left) and Alexander Mashkevich

                  EAJC President Meets With Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais.


                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich met in Atana with the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affais Audronius Azubalis, who was in Kazakhstan with an official visit. Lithuania has begun its chairmanship in the OSCE on January 1, 2011, having replaced Kazakhstan on this post.

                  The meeting was organized to further EAJC activity to strengthen its ties with the leadership and leading politicians of European countries. The main aim of this work is to counteract the ideology of delegitimization of the Jewish state, which is currently widespread in Eriope. As part of this activity, the EAJC has substantially aided in holding the 2nd Political Conference of the European Friends of Israel (EFi), which gathered over 400 European Parliamentarians.

                  Several aspects of the development of new democracies on post-Soviet territories were discussed during the meeting with the head of the Lithuania Minister of Foreign Affairs. As the EAJC President stressed, "According to many experts, Kazakhstan presents a convincing model of interethnic concord and positive interaction, and as the leader of the Jewish minority of this country, as the head of the leading union of Eurasian Jews, I am certain that the experience of Kazakhstan should be taken into account by those European countries where new anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel is becoming more and more widespread."