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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in Discussion on Interethnic Relations in the Russian Federation
                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in Discussion on Interethnic Relations in the Russian Federation
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General Michael Chlenov participated in a meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications, which took place on the 25th of August in the Russian White House, led by the head of this interdepartmental workgroup, Vice Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Kozak.
                  Boris Shapiro Obituary
                  Boris Shapiro Obituary

                  Boris Shapiro obituary.

                  EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel
                  EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel

                  EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel

                  Moldova “Roots of Tolerance” Camp Begins Work
                  Moldova “Roots of Tolerance” Camp Begins Work
                  The international children's camp “Roots of Tolerance” has opened for the first time at the Dachia recreation camp in Valui Lui Vode (Moldova), with the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.
                  Student Volunteer Program in Almaty
                  Student Volunteer Program in Almaty
                  On August 9-17, a program for volunteers took place in Almaty. The volunteers are college students from Kazakhstan and the USA, organized by the Mitzvah Association of the Jewish Communities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Rimon Community Center, and the Polina Chesed of Almaty, with the support of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.
                  EAJC Business Community: New College Begins Work
                  EAJC Business Community: New College Begins Work
                  On the 18th of August, the first organizational meeting of the College on Self-Identification and Interaction with Society, a part of the EAJC Congress College. The aim of this College is to give its participants opportunities to realize their non-commercial interests within the community.
                  In Memoriam of the Creator of the USSR Hebrew-Russian Dictionary
                  In Memoriam of the Creator of the USSR Hebrew-Russian Dictionary
                  50 years ago, Felix Lvovich Shapiro passed away. He was an eminent lexicographer and teacher, as well as the creator of the first and only Hebrew-Russian dictionary in the USSR.
                  Noah Flug Obituary
                  Noah Flug Obituary
                  It is with great grief that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress learned the news of the death of Noah Flug, an important advocate of the rights of Holocaust survivors.
                  Children's Camp “Roots of Tolerance” Ends in Mukachevo
                  Children's Camp “Roots of Tolerance” Ends in Mukachevo
                  The 10th International children's camp ''Roots of Tolerance'' has ended its work on the 7th of august.
                  EAJC Representatives Participate in Round Table on Kurd Problem
                  EAJC Representatives Participate in Round Table on Kurd Problem
                  On August 3, representatives of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) took part in a round table titled ''The Proclamation of a Democratic Autonomy by the Kurds in Turkey and the Kurdish-Iranian Armed Confrontation.'' The EAJC representatives were invited by the International Council of Kurdish Public Associations. The meeting took place on the premises of the Independent Press Center of Moscow.
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