EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel

                  EAJC Statement on Terroristic Acts in the South of Israel


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has learned about the series of terroristic attacks that incurred human losses in the south of Israel, and would like to express its worry and indignation at these acts.

                  If the information about the terrorists using the border territory of Egypt for their crime are true, this means that their actions were also aimed at destabilizing the region itself. It is possible that that one of their goals was to provoke a worsening of the relationship between Israel and Egypt. In this difficult situation, the acts of the extremists aggravate the general stability and destroy the possibility of the peace process' development.

                  The triple terroristic act in the south of Israel became a part of the multitude of attempts to not just damage the Jewish state, but delegitimize it, place its very right to exist under suspicion. This multitude of deligitimization attempts on different levels includes diplomatic attacks by Turkey, the activity of Palestinians in the UN, or the unending attacks in the left-wing European press. Terror and political speculations sustain each other, depriving the peoples of the region of hope for a just and stable peace.

                  The EAJC expresses its solidarity with the people and government of Israel, and gives its unconditional support to all measures taken by the Jewish government to punish the terrorists and stop terror.
                  The EAJC gives its deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victims of the attacks, and wish those injured in the attacks a speedy and easy recovery.

                  EAJC Presidium