EAJC Statement Regarding the Kidnapping of Three Israeli Youngsters
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement Regarding the Kidnapping of Three Israeli Youngsters

                  EAJC Statement Regarding the Kidnapping of Three Israeli Youngsters


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is profoundly indignated by the kidnapping of three Israeli students. The EAJC condemns this brutal act unequivocally and demands their immediate liberation together with all people of good will.

                  Terror leads to a deadlock of any peace efforts. We agree with the decision of the Israeli Government to suspend negotiations and to connect the kidnapping of three young people with the legitimization of the Hamas terrorist organization, which has teamed up with the Palestinian National Authority in a united Palestinian government.

                  The cynicism of some politicians who defend the actions of terrorists by calling their act a "forced response" to Israeli "aggression" is particularly outrageous.

                  We support the justified actions of the Israeli military command and Israeli police forces, and hope for a speedy success of the measures taken.

                  We express our deepest sympathy to the boys and their families, and are convinced that Israel will do everything for their release. We do believe that terrorists will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.