Statement by EAJC GC Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Josef Zissels
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Statement by EAJC GC Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Josef Zissels

                  EAJC GC Chairman and Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Josef Zissels

                  Statement by EAJC GC Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Josef Zissels

                  16.06.2014, Region

                  Over the last several months, the Presidium of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) has once more returned to discussing the various events in Ukraine, first and foremost - the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine that is taking place in the Crimea and in South-Eastern Ukraine.

                  It must be stressed that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress does not have an official position developed by either the General Council or the Presidium on this inter-state conflict.

                  Due to this fact, any statement, interview, article, or explanation by any EAJC leader on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict expresses only their personal view on the unfolding events.

                  As the Chairman of VAAD Ukraine I have full right to speak on behalf of that organization, and whatever other media may write, I hereby announce that I speak on this matter only on behalf of VAAD Ukraine and not on behalf of the EAJC.

                  The so-called idea of “positive neutrality” has never been passed as official EAJC doctrine by neither the EAJC General Council nor the EAJC Presidium. So it cannot be viewed as the coordinated consensus viewpoint of our international organization.

                  Moreover, as one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish community, I state with all responsibility: I deeply believe that the very concept of “positive neutrality,” based as it is in equating the rights of the aggressor and the victim, is completely immoral and against the spirit of justice itself.

                  Josef Zissels
                  May 19, 2014