Yuliy Kosharovsky Obituary
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Yuliy Kosharovsky Obituary

                  Yuliy Kosharovsky Obituary

                  17.04.2014, Region

                  Our dear friend, Yuli Kosharovsky, has passed away. He was an ardent Zionist, an uncompromising fighter for the Jews’ freedom to repatriate to their historical homeland, a truly charismatic leader who made an inestimable contribution to recreating Jewish life in post-Soviet territory.

                  Yuli Kosharovsky always achieved the highest of heights in everything he undertook. He was one of the best in his profession, both in the Soviet Union and in Israel. He led the first underground group of leaders of the growing Independent Jewish Movement. He became the first Israeli political leader of those who repatriated from the former USSR. His fundamental work “We are Jews Once More” was yet another of those achievements...

                  A tragic accident interrupted the life of this ascetic champion, who did so much for the Jews of the former USSR and the Jewish state. His social and political activity inspired thousands of Jews who fought for a full Jewish life. His four-volume book “We are Jews Once More. Essays on the History of the Zionist Movement in the Soviet Union” will continue to be an Ariadne’s thread for many generations of Jews in the newest history of our people.

                  We present our condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Yuliy Mikhailovich, and we understand that this loss is grievous. We pray that the Almighty sends them succor. We grieve and cannot come to terms with what has happened. Zichrono livracha.

                  Michael Chlenov
                  Josef Zisels
                  Roman Spector

                  Biographical note:
                  Yuli Mikhailovich Kosharovsky was born in 1941. In 1970-1980 he created groups to study Hebrew in the USSR. In 1989 he was elected to the governing board of the S. Mikhoels Center of Jewish Culture. In that same year he repatriated to Israel. Organized the Democracy and Aliyah party in Israel in the early 90s. Many of his fellow party memebers became part of - or even lead - the Israel ba-Aliyah party. He was a member of Likud, and headed the Department for Aliyah and Absorption of that party. In 2003 he became an activist of the Shinui party. In recent years he had been heading the “Zionist Majority” movement.