EAJC Presidium Meeting Takes Places in Paris
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                  EAJC Presidium Meeting Takes Places in Paris

                  EAJC Presidium Meeting Takes Places in Paris


                  On April 1, 2014, a meeting of the EAJC Presidium dedicated to most important matters of current Congress financing and administration. The session took place after the World Jewish Congress Executive Committee session. A representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress took part in the WJC session, as well. All of the members of the Presidium participated in the sessions: EAJC President Julius Meinl, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, and representative of a founding organization of the Congress, head of the Kazakhstan office, Alexander Baron.

                  The agenda included such items as the budget process, the formation of the EAJC Trustee Board, the registration of the “IFriends of the EAJC in Israel,” the problems of the Jewish community of Crimea after the peninsula’s annexation. Among other questions discussed were the program of support for small Jewish communities and the Jewish aspects of the humanitarian problems that appeared after the tragic February events in Kyiv.

                  During the meeting, a decision was made to create the position of EAJC Director General that would exist up to December 25, 2014. Natalia Schmidt was unequivocally voted for Acting Director General. It is planned that a decision will be reached after December 25, 2014, on whether the position is viable. The decision will be based on the results of the current Director General’s activity. EAJC Treasurer Matvei Hutman was instructed to develop the Bylaws on the activity of the Directorate General.

                  As the EAJC treasurer did not complete the project of the budget on time, the Congress Presidium administered an admonition to him for disrupting the schedule. The next Presidium meeting to evaluate the project of the Congress budget for 2014 is scheduled for mid-April, in Kyiv. The EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels brought problems with the financing of the Kyiv office that appeared in recent months to the attention of the other Presidium members. EAJC President Julius Meinl acknowledged all the obligations on the contract made between the EAJC founders and MEINL Bank in October 2013.

                  The EAJC Presidium also reviewed matters connected with the creation new Congress bodies. Question connected to the creation of the EAJC Trustee Board were discussed. A decision was made to register the “EAJC Friends Society ” in Israel. EAJC representative in Israel Haim ben Yakov was given permission to register the Society and to open a bank account for financial interaction with the EAJC. EAJC President Julius Meinl also proposed to create another Congress body specifically for the participation of famous people in the Congress’s work and to help women and youth take full-scale part in the Congress’ work. Other discussion involved changes in EAJC charter documents that were registered in Kazakhstan.