Golden Awards of “Golden Jerusalem”
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                  Golden Awards of “Golden Jerusalem”

                  Golden Awards of “Golden Jerusalem”


                  The performance group of “Rimon,” an Almaty community center, took the grand price and the “Golden Jerusalem” children’s festival, which took place in the capital of Israel.

                  The festival was organized by the International Organization of Immigrants from Central Asia and Kazakhstan together with the Jerusalem City Hall. Performance groups of different ages hailed from over twenty city. The dancers and singers of the Almaty “Rimon” had also been invited.

                  The directorate of the Almaty chesed and the group’s teachers thought the repertoire through very well, deciding to abandon simple and trivial solution. The program was made up of songs in five languages as well as of Kazakh and Jewish danced. And the “Golden Jerusalem” contest became a true goldmine for the “Rimon” team.

                  The Yonati dance company (in the older age group nomination) won the grand prize. The “Prachim” ensemble (younger group) took second place. The singers also took first and second place/ Five of the routines were selected for the gala-concert of the festival, and the Kazakh dance became the staple of the program. The Second Secretary of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Israel, Edil Myrzakhanov, congratulated the winners.

                  “The basis of our success?” Chairman of the Mitzvah Association of Jewish Communities of Kazakhstan Council, EAJC Presidium member Alexander Baron says, “First of all, brilliant administration. In twenty years of work we have restored our community to the state that we can participate in such large-scale projects through our own efforts only. Second, the incredible professionalism of our teachers. And, of course, the talent of our children.”