Happy Chanukah!
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Happy Chanukah!

                  Happy Chanukah!


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress wishes all Jews, wherever they may live, a happy Chanukah - a celebration of freedom and light!

                  Many hundreds of years ago, the light of the Jewish tradition triumphed over darkness and cruelty. A handful of courageous people who had preserved the light of faith in their hearts stood up to their many opressors and defeated them in what had initially been a losing fight. Thus they preserved the Jewish faith and the Jewish people. Their act of heroism had been made sacred by a miracle, and Chanukah’s annual fires remind us of that miracle.

                  We wish that you preserve the light of the Jewish tradition in your hearts, multiplying the love for your friends and family by worthy deeds. We wish you the kind of miracles that begin with our own hands but always find a response from the Almighty.

                  Hag Chanukah sameach!