Head Rabbi of Russia Decorated With Order For Merit to the Fatherland
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                  Head Rabbi of Russia Decorated With Order For Merit to the Fatherland

                  Head Rabbi of Russia Decorated With Order For Merit to the Fatherland


                  The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has awarded a number of important members of Russian society. Among those decorated were two representatives of religious communities: the Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, Head Mufti Talgat Tadzhuddin and the Head Rabbi of Russia Adolph Shaevich. Vladimir Putin decorated them both with the Order For Merit to the Fatherland, IV class.

                  In his speech, the President of Russia noted that “Talgat Tadzhuddin and Adolph Solomonovich Shaevich, the leaders of organizations which represent the traditional religions of our country, do a great amount of work to strengthen concord and develop interfaith dialogue. Your work is very important for our poly-ethnic country, for the unity of the great, multi-ethnic Russian people, for the strengthening of Russia’s spiritual power and greatness.”

                  EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov has sent a congratulatory letter to Rabbi Shaevich on behalf of the workers and leaders of the Congress. The letter reads as follows: “You, like no other representative of the Russian Jewish community, are deserving of this high award through your many years of devoted service. For dozens of years you have represented Russian Jews to the authorities as well as in interactions with society itself and with other traditional religions. Your calm dignity, wisdom, and an unfailing capacity for dialogue have not only given you great gravitas in Russian society, but have also brought significant positive change in how society at large feels towards the Jewish minority. This is why it is highly symbolic that you were decorated with this high award right before Unity Day.

                  This event, remarkable for the Jewish community, took place the day after your birthday, and the fact that the Russian authorities have finally recognized your indisputable merits became a gift not only for you, but for the entire community.”