“From the Hills of Galilee to Kazakhstan, With Love!” Exposition Opens
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                  “From the Hills of Galilee to Kazakhstan, With Love!” Exposition Opens

                  Alexander Baron (left) and Tanirbergen Abdeliyev

                  “From the Hills of Galilee to Kazakhstan, With Love!” Exposition Opens


                  The “Polina” exhibition hall of the charitable organization Chesed is hosting an exposition titled “From the Hills of Galilee to Kazakhstan, With Love!”, which opened on August 14, 2013. The artist, Tanirbergen Abdeliyev, was born in Kazakhstan and currently resides in Israel. The exposition is being held at the initiative of the Nazareth-Illit City Hall and with the support of the “Mitzvah” Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Kazakhstan.

                  “This exhibition is unique because the artist was born and raised in Kazakhstan, but has been living in Israel for ten years now,” Alexander Baron (“Mitzvah” President, Deputy Chairman of the People's Assembly of Kazakhsan, EAJC Presidium member) stressed when opening the event, “Thanks to the works of Tanirbergen Abdeliyev, we can look at the Land of Israel through the eyes of our compatriot. This event is one more path towards friendship and understanding between our states and peoples. We hope that this exhibition is shown in many cities in Kazakhstan.”

                  It was through fate's good will that Tanirbergen came to Israel. The artist had always been attracted by the Near East, he wanted to see the ancient land of Israel and to touch its relics for himself. And he was able to convey the spirit of these ancient times through his paintings, filled with love and warmth towards a place that became his second home. The artist's favorite work depicts the view from his own apartment onto Nazaerth-Illit shrouded in dusk. Tanirbergen has been living in Nazareth-Illit for many years now, and it has become very dear to him.

                  Anastasia Ursolova, a member of the Jewish community center youth wing, was the curator of the exposition. The fact that youths are organizing their own events is a sign that a community has true young leaders.