EAJC Elects German Zakharyev as Vice President
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Elects German Zakharyev as Vice President

                  EAJC Elects German Zakharyev as Vice President


                  The leaders and workers of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress give heartfelt congratulations to German Zakharyev, Head of the STMEGI – Community Charity Foundation for the Support of Mountain Jews, Vice President of the World Congress of Mountain Jews, with his election to the pos of EAJC Vice President.

                  The unequivocal approval of the candidate took place at the latest EAJC General Council session, which took place in Budapest as part of the work of the Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress.

                  The congratulatory letter reads as follows: “The Jewish world knows you as a generous philanthropist an active Jewish public figure, and thus it is natural that you become a Vice President of the EAJC – the largest continental constituent of the World Jewish Congress.

                  We hope that your participation in the EAJC's activity will give new incentive to our work, first and foremost concerning the community structures that unite Mountain Jews. Your experience in philanthropy and holding various charity programs in this region will certainly become a considerable investment into the development of our Congress.

                  We are truly proud that you have decided to share in the responsibility for the fate of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and the community structures that are part of it. We wish you new successes in your noble work!”