EAJC Secretary General Speaks at Shalom Theater Anniversary
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                  EAJC Secretary General Speaks at Shalom Theater Anniversary

                  Photo by Mikhail Belotserkovsky

                  EAJC Secretary General Speaks at Shalom Theater Anniversary


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General has participated in the celebration dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Moscow Jewish Theater “Shalom.”
                  The anniversary celebration, which took place in the Moscow State Estrada Theater, became a notable event in the cultural life of the Russian capital. The 1300-seat hall was completely booked weeks in advance by those who wished to celebrate the anniversary of their favorite theater.

                  Among those who came to congratulate “Shalom” and its leader, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Levenbuk, were Iosif Kobzon, Arkady Inin, Clara Novikova, Alla Yoshpe, and Stakhan Rakhimov. Leonid Kanevsky read out the written congratulations of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender. Victoria Glukhova, an actress known for her work in the TV series “Glukhar” and “Pyatnitsky,” also spoke at the event,

                  In his celebratory address, the Head Rabbi of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the EAJC Rabbi Council Adolph Shaevich noted that, “The theater and the synagogue do, essentially, one job – they heal souls.”
                  Michael Chlenov heartily congratulated “the only Russian and best in the world professional Jewish theater” on its anniversary. He also noted that the independent Jewish movement will always be grateful to Shalom and its head director for being the first to let the first indepenent Jewish structures under Shalom's roof.