EAJC Delegation Visits Macedonia
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Delegation Visits Macedonia

                  EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels presents the Macedonian Jewish community with a Torah scroll on behalf of the EAJC

                  EAJC Delegation Visits Macedonia


                  On March 11, the delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), comprised of the EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels and the leader of the Ukrainian Union of Jewish Students Victoria Godik, visited Skopje at the invitation of the Jewish community of Macedonia to participate in the memorial events dedicated to the 70 years since the deportation of Macedonian Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp.

                  On March 11, 1943, the police had arrested nearly all Jews who lived in Macedonia and imprisoned them in the Skopje camp. On March 22-29, 7144 Macedonian Jews were sent to Treblinka. Only 12 of the deported survived the Holocaust.

                  Josef Zisels laid a wreath on behalf of the EAJC at the memorial that now stands where the Jews were gathered at the tobacco factory, as well as at the Jewish part of the Skopje cemetery, where another memorial to the Macedonian Jews who were victims of the Holocaust had been erected.

                  The EAJC Delegation visited the Holocaust museum, created in Skopje with the restitution money paid to the Jewish community of Macedonia, and held a working meeting with the museum workers.

                  Josef Zisels also presented the Macedonian Jewish community with a Torah scroll on behalf of the EAJC. The gift giving took place in the synagogue of the Jewish community center. In his short speech, Josef Zisels expressed the regret of EAJC President Vadim Shulman at not being able to head the Congress delegation, and read the EAJC President's greeting to the community.

                  Photo below: EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels lays a wreath on behalf of the EAJC at the memorial to the Macedonian Jews who were victims of the Holocaust.