EAJC Congratulates Natan Sharansky on his Re-election to JAFI Head
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                  EAJC Congratulates Natan Sharansky on his Re-election to JAFI Head

                  Natan Sharansky. Photo by JAFI Press Service

                  EAJC Congratulates Natan Sharansky on his Re-election to JAFI Head


                  The Presidium of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has sent an official letter of congratulations to the Natan Sharansky, the Chair of the Jewish Agency For Israel, on his re-election to the Chair post. The letter reads: “The unequivocal decision of the JAFI Board of Governors is not only a sign of respect for your authority as an important public figure, but evidence of your success during your first term as JAFI leader.

                  We are certain that under your leadership JAFI, ever sensitive to current challenges, will continue its varied activity for the benefit of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. We also hope that our partnership and friendship with JAFI and its leadership, first and foremost represented by you, will continue to deepen and strengthen.”

                  Sharansky had first been elected to the post of JAFI Chair in June 2009. In accordance with the JAFI Articles, the chairman term is four years. Sharansky's term would end in June, and the next Board of Governors session was to decide whether he would continue his duties or whether a new Chair would be elected.

                  On October 18, Binyamin Netanayahu spoke before the members of the Board of Governors in Israel, and called for its members to “re-elect me friend and hero of the Jewish people to one more term as JAFI Chair. I have known Natan for many years, and he has always fought relentlessly for the unity of the Jewish people and to secure its future.”

                  The members of the Board of Governors decided that there was no reason to delay the vote until June and unanimously voted for Natan Sharansky. Thus, Sharansky will lead JAFI up until 2017.