EAJC Secretary General Speaks at FJNCA Conference
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                  EAJC Secretary General Speaks at FJNCA Conference

                  Michael Chlenov's report

                  EAJC Secretary General Speaks at FJNCA Conference


                  The IV pre-electoral review conference of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy has taken place on February 6-7 at the Voskresenskoe cottage village near Moscow. 92 delegates from 45 Jewish regional autonomies took part in the conference. A program for 2013-2017 FJNCA activity was carried, changes were made to the FJNCA Articles, and governing bodies were elected. The previous FJNCA President, Mikhail Skoblionok from Kazan', was superseded by Vladimir Shternfeld of Moscow.

                  During his report at the conference, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General, FJNCA Vice President Michael Chlenov outlined three possible scenarios for the development of the autonomy in the upcoming four years: becoming one powerful consolidating structure; becoming one of the Jewish associations that is a partner of the government; and the loss of position to Jewish religious groups.

                  Chlenov warned the gathering not to turn the Jewish national cultural movement into a group that is based purely on faith, as this will, in his opinion, lead to “a disengagement from the Jewish community” for many people, including those who hold entirely secular views.