Address of Former Prisoners of Fascism to the Global Community
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                  Address of Former Prisoners of Fascism to the Global Community

                  Address of Former Prisoners of Fascism to the Global Community


                  The International Union of Public Associations of Jews - Former Prisoners of Fascism (MSEBUF), which is a part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, has made an address to the global community on the Israeli “Pillar of Defense” operation. The address reads as follows:

                  “The International Union of Public Associations of Jews - Former Prisoners of Fascism (MSEBUF) would like to state its absolute support of Israel’s forced action to stop the unending Hamas terror against peaceful citizens of the Jewish state.
                  We would like to make our opinion on the anti-terroristic activity of Israel in the Gaza sector known to the global community. The government of Israel not only has the right to defend its citizens from terrorists who fire upon Israel from the Gaza Strip – such defense is indeed its solemn duty. At the same time, it must be noted that the main source of terror coming from the Gaza strip is, in fact, Iran. Rockets and money come into Gaza from Iran, and it is in Iran that terrorist training camps lie. The full responsibility for this new escalation of violence is upon the shoulders of the Hamas terrorists’ leaders and the countries that support Hamas.

                  The global community must not allow Iran to become a nuclear power. This would be a real threat not only to Israel, but could possibly become a global tragedy for all countries whose views on how the world should function differ from Iran’s. Israel’s policy in this situation is not to agree and not to yield to Hamas’ crimes, but to act appropriately against them.

                  Our address to the global community requests all possible action to prevent Iran’s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons from success and to stop Hamas aggression.”

                  The address was signed by MSEBUF President, EAJC General Council member Ephim Gologorsky, and MSEBUF Vice Presidents Boris Zabarko, Pavel Rubinchik, and Michael Treyster.