EAJC to Help Israeli Settlement
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                  EAJC to Help Israeli Settlement

                  EAJC to Help Israeli Settlement


                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Vadim Shulman, who visited Israel during the Pillar of Defense operation, decided to provide financial aid to the Bney Ayish town. The financial aid will go towards strengthening bomb shelters.
                  Bney Ayish is a town located 30 kilometers to the south of Tel-Aviv. It was founded in the late 1950s. New districts were built in the early 1990s, which were mostly populated by repatriates from the former Soviet Union.

                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General, representative of the EAJC in Israel Haim Ben Yakov elucidates, “The Congress plans to transfer to 800 thousand shekels to the Bney Ayish town council. 500 thousand will go towards strengthening school roofs and bomb shelters, as well as towards installing mobile concrete fortifications to hide behind in case rocket fire begins anew. 300 thousand will be directed towards strengthening communal bomb shelters.”

                  There are only 7500 people resident in Bney-Ayish, and thus the town’s budget is relatively small, which is the reason for behind the EAJC choice. As Ben Yakov notes, “It is easier for big cities to get help from sponsors. Ashdod, for example, hosts a number of large companies, which can aid the municipal authorities in such matters. But this kind of aid is traditional for the EAJC. For instance, in 2009, the Congress provided aid in strengthening the bomb shelters of Sderot and Ofakim.”