Armenian Jewish Community Address in Connection With the Situation in Israel
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Armenian Jewish Community Address in Connection With the Situation in Israel

                  EAJC General Council member Rimma Varjyapetyan

                  Armenian Jewish Community Address in Connection With the Situation in Israel


                  To the President of the Armenian Republic, to the government of the Armenian Republic, to the people of Armenia and the people of the State of Israel гражданам Государства Израиль

                  The members of the Jewish community of Armenia are shocked by the situation currently taking place in the Near East.

                  We are once again the witnesses to tension created by the aggressive actions of terroristic groups, who have aggravated the relationship between Israel and Palestine, and which have led to civilian deaths on both sides of the conflict.

                  We are regretful to note that the sacred right to self-defense of any citizen or state is currently being perceived inadequately by certain countries and their governments.

                  We are certain that Israel's response to the unending rocket fire that insurgents have been inflicting upon its territory is not aggression, but merely defensive action.

                  The tears of mothers – not only in Israel itself, but also beyond its borders – and the pain and fear for people's lives on both sides of the conflict (over a thousand Armenian citizens currently reside in Israel) oblige us to request that you use truthful information when evaluating the situation at hand and that you do not condemn the actions of Israel which are aimed at the elimination of terrorist groups.

                  We express our solidarity to the people of Israel, and hope from the bottom of our hearts that Israel achieves peace as soon as possible. We ask that you raise your voices in support of Israel.

                  Chairman of the Armenian Jewish Community
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council Member
                  Rimma Varjyapetyan