Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Statement on Terroristic Attack in Tel-Aviv
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Statement on Terroristic Attack in Tel-Aviv

                  At the site of the attack

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Statement on Terroristic Attack in Tel-Aviv


                  It is with great sorrow and extreme indignation that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has learned of the terroristic attack in Tel-Aviv. The blood of innocent citizens of Israel had been spilled at the very same moment when the leaders of the Hamas terroristic organization and their supporters had been demanding of Israel to stop its anti-terroristic operation.

                  This cynical act of terror, committed in a bus full of passengers, demonstrated the obvious lies and hypocrisy of the Palestinian terrorists' leaders. However they may try to warrant their actions, there is no justification and can be no justification for terror against peaceful civilians.

                  The EAJC presents its sympathy to the victims, and prays for their lives and health. We express our solidarity to the people and State of Israel, and once again state our unequivocal support of the antiterroristic actions of the Israel Defense Forces. There should be no place in the world for terror and terrorists!

                  Vadim Shulman,

                  Michael Chlenov.
                  Secretary General

                  Josef Zisels,
                  General Council Chairman

                  Alexander Baron,
                  Presidium Member