Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Discusses Electoral Perspectives of Ukrainian Radical Right
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                  Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Discusses Electoral Perspectives of Ukrainian Radical Right

                  Dr. Andreas Umland

                  Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Discusses Electoral Perspectives of Ukrainian Radical Right


                  On October 26, the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) held a round table titled “Radical Nationalism and Electoral Policy in Today's Ukraine”. The round table was part of the conference “The Electoral Process: Democratic Theory and Ukrainian Reality.” The discussion was initiated by NaUKMA professor, important scholar of the radical right Dr. Andreas Umland.

                  At the center of the round table discussion were the perspectives of the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda,” the current largest Ukrainian radical right political party, at the parliamentary elections of October 28th. According to sociological polls and expert opinions, this is the first time in the electoral history of independent Ukraine when national radicals have a chance to break through the electoral barrier and to be able to form their own fraction in the parliament.

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council member Vyacheslav Likhachev spoke at the round table. Among other participants were the coordinator of the “No boundaries!” project of the “Social Action” center Maxim Butkevich, and Berkeley University representative Alina Belyayeva.