EAJC Secretary General Working Meetings
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Working Meetings

                  Michael Chlenov

                  EAJC Secretary General Working Meetings


                  The Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Michael Chlenov, has made a working visit to the USA. During this visit, meetings were held with: the councilor of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) President, former WJC Secretary General Michael Schneider; Secretary General of the North American Jewish Congress Betty Erenberg; Chairman of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry Danny Lamm; President of the African Jewish Congress Mervyn Smith; Executive Director of the Claims Conference Greg Schneider; leader of the Israeli Union of Holocaust Victims Colette Avital and her second, former Ambassador of the State of Israel to Belarus Eli Valkom; NCSJ President Alexander Schmuckler and Executive Director Mark Levin; Phoenix Foundation Head of Programs on the territory of the former USSR Svetlana Muterperel, and others.

                  The meeting with the leader of the CIS Limmud project Chaim Chesler saw a discussion on further joint work with the EAJC, which is a long-time supporter of Limmud in general and the project in particular. и проекта.

                  A working meeting with the leader of the JAFI Heart Program, Bobby Brown, held a discussion on returning private property to Jews who had lived in former USSR territory at the beginning of the Second World War.