EAJC Deputy Secretary General Participates in JAFI General Assembly
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                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General Participates in JAFI General Assembly

                  Photo: President of Israel Shimon Peres and EAJC Representative Haim ben Yakov

                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General Participates in JAFI General Assembly


                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General Haim ben Yakov has participated in the work of the JAFI General Assembly, which has taken place in Israel.

                  Speaking at the opening of the General Assembly before representatives of Jewish communities from around the world, President of Israel Shimon Peres told the gathering about the Conference of Presidents, which has just finished its work in Israel. The President stressed that “Jews have contributed to the development of humanity not through weaponry, but through the power of their intellect. We have always had – and have not – athletes of the spirit, Olympic champions who train not their body, but their mind. We must inform the world of the Jewish contribution to humanity.”

                  JAFI President Natan Sharansky said: “Diaspora Jews require a strong Israel, just as Israel requires strong Jewish communities. Israel helps Jews combat assimilation, and they help Israel in its campaign against the delegitimization of the Jewish state.”