EAJC Secretary General Meets with Secretary General of the Central Council of Jews in Germany
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Meets with Secretary General of the Central Council of Jews in Germany

                  Stephan J. Kramer and Michael Chlenov

                  EAJC Secretary General Meets with Secretary General of the Central Council of Jews in Germany


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Moscow office has hosted a meeting between the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General, professor Michael Chlenov, Secretary General of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Stephan J. Kramer, and the Director of the Berlin Jewish Studies Center Dr. Hermann Simon. The discussion revolved around possible joint programs aimed at national education and preserving the Jewish identity.

                  Michael Chlenov gave a detailed report on the history and geography of the EAJC, and described the current state of the region's communities. In turns, Stephan Kramer spoke about the numbers, political status, and everyday life of Jewish communities in contemporary Germany. A standalone discussion was held with Dr. Simon on the state of Jewish archives on the territories of the former USSR and Germany.

                  Michael Chlenov and Stephan Kramer came to an agreement allowing Russian-speaking youths from the Jewish communities of Germany to participate in the summer camps organized in the EAJC's regions of activity. An agreement was also reached to maintain a constant exchange of information between the EAJC and the Central Council of German Jews.

                  As EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov noted, “Despite the fact that we are in different continental sections of the World Jewish Congress, being good neighbors and partners is still one of the topmost priorities for the EAJC. We will gladly continue and develop constructive contacts with the German Jewish community.”