EAJC Deputy Secretary General Speaks on “PROFI” Project Meeting
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General Speaks on “PROFI” Project Meeting

                  EAJC Deputy Secretary General Speaks on “PROFI” Project Meeting


                  The second meeting of the “Progressive Russian-languaged Community Forum of Israel” (PROFI), which was organized by the editors of the RezumeRu Web portal and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress with the aid of the Jerusalem town hall.

                  The PROFI project aims to unite the Russian-speaking Jewish community, to increase its participation in the social and political life of the country, and to improve the consolidation of Israeli society in general.

                  The meeting was titled “State and Religion in Israel – Grounds for Conflict or Basis of Israel's Existence,” and it's participants tried to find possible ways of mutual understanding and interaction between the secular and religious communities of Israel.

                  The co-chairman of the proceedings, EAJC representative in Israel Haim Ben Yakov proposed for all of the participants to express their view of the questions and send them to the organizators of the project. He also noted in his speech that he is certain “that these disputes, in the end, are useful and help people and groups of people, not so much to understand the question, but to understand the breadth of the problem, to formulate the most important questions from their point of view, and to meet the experts on the topic. All of this is a way to search for answers.”