EAJC Statement on Recent Aggravation of Situation in the South of Israel
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement on Recent Aggravation of Situation in the South of Israel

                  Aftermath of the attacks on Ashdod

                  EAJC Statement on Recent Aggravation of Situation in the South of Israel


                  As the situation in the south of Israel becomes aggravated once more, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress states its unconditional support of the forced military reaction of the leadership of Israel, which is aimed at preventing acts of terror against the peaceful citizens of the Jewish state. This reaction has been provoked by the constant rocket attacks on Israeli territory from Gaza.

                  The EAJC stands together with the citizens of the cities in the south of Israel, which suffer intense rocket strikes, and hopes that the Israeli military will be able to destroy the infrastructure of terror s soon as possible. Right now, hundreds of thousands of former Soviet Untion residents live in Israel, and we understand well that the IDF is defending our own family and friends.

                  The reponsibility for yet another aggravation of this conflict is entirely on the soulders of Palestinian terrorists, and the EAJC hopes that they will feel the full measure of the consequences of this situation they have provoked. Terror has no future, can have no future - yet it can raise its head again and again through others' inaction or aid. We wish the people and leaders of the Jewish state courage in dealing with our mutual enemies. In this difficult hour, we once more proudly say, "We are with you, Israel!"