Exhibit on Ethnic Minorities Opens in Kyiv
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                  Exhibit on Ethnic Minorities Opens in Kyiv

                  Exhibition opening. Anna Lenchovskaya, CNCU Executive Director (left) and Kira Kreiderman, Director of the Chisinau Tolerance Club (photo by Tatyana Pechonyk, Center for Information on Human Rights)

                  Exhibit on Ethnic Minorities Opens in Kyiv


                  On February 3, the "Together" exhibition opened in the Kyiv Municipal Teacher's House. The exhibition is dedicated to the history and modern state of the national communities of Ukraine. The exhibition is intended first and foremost for a young audience and the information is shown through the eyes of youth.
                  The exhibition was prepared by the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine (CNCU, Executive Vice President - Chairman of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council Josef Zisels, executive director - Anna Lenchovskaya). The concept of the exhibition is have young people representing different ethnic communities of Ukraine (Armenians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Jews, Roma, Russians), as well as refugees and those who seek political asylum tell what their ethnic origin means to them.
                  The stands, done as branches and leaves of a tree, present the information in the form of personal stories of these people representing different communities, as well as provide basic information on the history and culture of different ethnicities.

                  The exhibition is oriented first and foremost to a wide audience of youth, and will travel to different cities. After Kyiv, the exhibition will travel to Lviv, Mariupol', Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Khmelnytsk.