Presentation of Congress-Supported Jewish Studies Journal Issue Held in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
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                  Presentation of Congress-Supported Jewish Studies Journal Issue Held in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

                  Speech of Vitaliy Chernoivanenko, science editor of the special issue of the ''Ukrainian Oriental Studies" Journal

                  Presentation of Congress-Supported Jewish Studies Journal Issue Held in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy


                  On January 19, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Center of Visual Culture held a presentation of a special issue of the "Ukrainian Oriental Studies" journal (Ukrayinska Orientalistika) devoted to Jewish Studies, which was published with EAJC support.

                  "Ukrainian Oriental Studies" is published by the Omelyan Pritsak Center for Oriental Studies from 2006. The edtor-in-chief is the Center's Director - Igor Sribnyak. The fourth issue of the journal, presented at the Center for Visual Culture, is entirely dedicated to Jewish studies, and was edited by Vitaliy Chernoivanenko. The issue includes articles and reviews dedicated to different aspects of the history and culture of the Jewish people by scholars from Germany, Israel, Canada, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, and Sweden.  The issue has materials in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian, and English.

                  Among those who participated in the presentation were: Director of the Omelyan Pritsak Center for Oriental Studies, editor-in-chief of the "Ukrainian Oriental Studies" journal Igor Sribnyak; science editor of the Jewish Studies issue Vitaliy Chernovanenko; authors  whose work had been published in the journal - Rostyslav Dymerets, Vyacheslav Likhachev, Taisia Sydorchuk, Alek Epstein. EAJC General Council member Vyacheslav Likhachev noted in his speech the importance of a special issues of "Ukrainian Oriental Studies" in the context of the Ukrainian humanities, especially as there are no specialized scholarly journals on Jewish Studies in Ukraine. 

                  This issue of "Ukrainian Oriental Studies" was published with the financial support of the EAJC and the JDC.
                  Right after the presentation, famous Israeli scholar Alek Epstein, one of the authors whose work was published in the journal, read a public lecture titled "Between militarist feminism and pride parades: gender self-fulfillment and political pluralism: the Israeli experience."