Special Missive From Prime Minister Netanyahu to Participants of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Session
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                  Special Missive From Prime Minister Netanyahu to Participants of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Session

                  Special Missive From Prime Minister Netanyahu to Participants of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Session


                  On November 24, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a special missive to the participants of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) session that is taking place in Jerusalem.

                  The Prime Minister's press center reports that Netanyahu stressed the important of EAJC activity in strengthening Jewish self-identity in Jewish communities of Eastern Europe and Asia, as well as strengthening the ties between these communities and the State of Israel.

                  “Our shared objective is to bring the future generations of Diaspora Jews closer to the State of Israel, the national home of the Jewish people,” the Prime Minister stated in his address.

                  “The government of Israel together with JAFI and other Jewish organizations around the world has been implementing such projects as 'Masa” and 'Na'ale.' These projects allow young Jews the opportunity to move to Israel and study here our heritage, culture, and Hebrew,” the PM stressed.

                  Netaniyahu noted that the government has doubled the funding for the Taglit project, which allows tens of thousands Jews per year to visit Israel as part of an educational Zionist program.