EAJC Secretary General Takes Part in CJROAR Meeting
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Takes Part in CJROAR Meeting

                  Moscow's Great Choral Synagogue

                  EAJC Secretary General Takes Part in CJROAR Meeting


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General, professor Michael Chlenov has taken part in a working meeting of the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations if Russia (CJROAR). The meeting took place in the Moscow Choral Synagogue.

                  Professor Chlenov greeted the delegates on behalf og the EAJC. In his speech he stressed that CJROAR has been the EAJC's loyal partner for many years in everything concerning supporting spiritual rebirth and the development of religious practice. He also noted the CJROAR contribution to implementing the EAJC program on multi-level dialogue between faiths and cultures. The EJC Secretary General ended his speech by wishing for the meeting to be productive, and for CJROAR - step-by-step development for the good of the Russian Jewish community.