“Roots of Tolerance” in Moldova for the First Time
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                  “Roots of Tolerance” in Moldova for the First Time

                  Participants of the councillors' selection seminar. Photo by Daria Straister.

                  “Roots of Tolerance” in Moldova for the First Time


                  On the 25-26th of June, the selection seminar for camp councillors of the first Moldova "Roots Of Tolerance" International Children's Camps. 25 candidates from Moldovan national communities participated in the seminar. Experienced councillors of the other "Roots of Tolerance" camp, coaches, and psychologists all shared their experience with holding similar camps.

                  The project "Moldova – Roots of Tolerance" is being realized with the financial and program support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Jewish Congress of Moldova, representatives of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and with the aid of the Bureau of Interethnic Relations of Moldova. The seminar was prepared by EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, Kira Kreiderman, Elena Borisova, Daria Straister, and Yulia Kladko.

                  The program was put together by Executive Director of the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine Anna Lenchovskaya, Vyacheslav Shikarenko, and Alexander Voychenko.