WJC 75th Anniversary Session
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  WJC 75th Anniversary Session

                  WJC 75th Anniversary Session


                  A representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), led by EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich, took part in a session of the Governing Board of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), a leading Jewish political organization. Over 150 leaders from WJC communities and organization attended the Jerusalem session. The EAJC delegation included both representatives of its leadership – Vice President Mark Shabad, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, General Council Chairman Josef Zisels – and the leaders of the national communities of Belarus, Georgia, India, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.

                  Among those who spoke before the participants of the anniversary session were President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres, Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman, Head of the Parliament Ruling Coalition Zeev Elkin and the leader of the parliamentary opposition Tzipi Livni.

                  EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich spoke at the plenary session, summarizing the Congress' activity since the last session of the WJC. In his speech, he especially stressed the importance of strengthening a truthful image of Israel in infospace. The EAJC leader also proposed an initiative to allow the Jewish state to become closer to China, since it is a leading subject of the current world order.
                  During the session, the official election of the new WJC Secretary General took place. Michael Schneider was replaced by famous Israel politologist Daniel Diker.

                  The upcoming vote on the one-sided proclamation of the Palestinian state came up time and time again during the discussions. The speeches of former Great Britain Prime Minister, representative of the Near Eastern Quartet Tony Blair, and the former President of Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacalle.

                  To signify the WJC 75th anniversary, and as a sign of solidarity with the Jewish state, representatives of the WJC high leadership, including Alexander Mashkevich, gave IDF representatives a memorial Torah Scroll at the Wailing Wall. WJC and IDF representatives brought the scroll into the recently renovated Forefather Isaak Memorial Synagogue in the Israel Old City together.