EAJC President Sends Greetings to Limmud Conference in Beer Sheva
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                  EAJC President Sends Greetings to Limmud Conference in Beer Sheva

                  EAJC President Sends Greetings to Limmud Conference in Beer Sheva


                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich sent his greetings to the organizators and participants of the project Limmud that opened in Beer Sheva. The EAJC leader's message reads: "It is deeply symbolic that this conference is taking place in the capital of Negev. Beer Sheva is an ancient city, and the old well of Abraharm, our forefather, is a testament to that. And yet here is the most important Ben-Gurion University and the Start-Up Youth Center, which show that the heart of the Israeli South is a modern, young, dynamically developing city.

                  For us, Limmud is a living manifestation of deep national ties in time and space. This unique project binds those of our youth who desire to learn of the sources our our national culture, even tighter to the older generation that transmits its knowledge; the Jews living now with their centuries-old history; the Jews of the Diaspora with the Jewish state.

                  The activity of the young participants of Limmud gives a great hope for the preservation and proliferation of the Jewish historical tradition."

                  Limmud is a unique Jewish educational, cultural, and recreational prokect. The conference is the key event of the projcet, and takes place several times a year. The participants of the conference visit seminars, lectures, workshops, creative groups, and discussions on a wide spectrum of topics.

                  The head of the project's Trustee Council is famous businessman Matthew Bronfman. EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich is one of the regular sponsors of the project. Accoring to him, "This is one of the most perspective investments in the future of the Jewish people."