EAJC Secretary General Presented With Russian Federation State Duma Certificate of Gratitude
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                  EAJC Secretary General Presented With Russian Federation State Duma Certificate of Gratitude

                  EAJC Secretary General Presented With Russian Federation State Duma Certificate of Gratitude


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General, Vice President of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy, professor Michael Chlenov has taken part in the "15 Years of National Cultural Autonomies: Experience and Perspectives" meeting that was organized by the Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Nationalities.

                  Among those who took part in the meeting were Chairman of the State Duma Nationalities Committee V. Kuptsov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on the Federal Affairs and Regional Policies V. Kadohov, Director of the RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology V. Tishkov, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academeny of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation V. Mikhailov, Director of the Moscow House of Nationalitties N. Komarov, and representatives of the federal national cultural autonomies.

                  The paricipants of the meeting noted that the law "On National Cultural Autonomy," passed in 1996, created the legal environment for the interaction of state and society, played an important part in supporting international peace and concordance, and made a significant contribution to the development of institutes of civil society in Russia.

                  During the meeting, professor Michael Chlenov was awarded a certificate of thanks from the State Duma Nationalities Committee for this "longterm fruitful work to harmonize international relations."