EAJC Vice President's Jubilee Celebrated With Charity Event and Conference
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Vice President's Jubilee Celebrated With Charity Event and Conference

                  Gabriel Mirilashvili, Yona Metzget, Alexander Mashkevich

                  EAJC Vice President's Jubilee Celebrated With Charity Event and Conference


                  The representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), headed by President Alexander Mashkevich, visited Israel to participate in the events timed to the 50th anniversary of EAJC Vice President, Head of the World Congress of Georgian Jews Gabriel Mirilashvili.

                  The delegation included EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, Executive Vice President Fyodor Osinin, Vice President Merab Elashvili, Emmaunil Greenshpun, Yuri Raskin, EAJC General Council Members Jemal Adjiashvili and Guram Batiashvili, as well as members of the EAJC Director's Councils and the "Congress College" business community that is under the EAJC aegis.

                  A reception took place at the Peres Center for Peace in Jaffa, during which funds for the Center were collected. The center had been founded by a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, the current President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres. The Center supports the peace process in the Near East.

                  The reception had over 600 guests. Among the many anniversary salutations to Gabriel Mirilashvili were even greetings from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and the Head Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger. EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich noted in his greeting: "We are truly proud that Gabriel Mirilashvili, one of the most generous patrons of Jewish community life, is part of the leadership of our Congress. His multifaceted community and charitable activity can be a wonderful example for all patrons!"

                  An interdisciplinary conference dedicated to the contribution of Jewish scientists to global science took place as part of the EAJC Vice President's anniversary celebration. Scholars from countries with EAJC Jewish communities – Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan – all took part in the conference.

                  As Alexander Mashkevich noted, "Both the collection of funds for the Peace Center's activies and the organization of a conference in Israel that would consolidate Jewish scientists from different countries and disciplines are a demonstration of our responsibility for what happens in the Jewish state. We are truly proud of new opportunities to participate in the fate of Israel and all of the Jewish people."