EAJC Representatives Meet With Israeli Diplomats
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Representatives Meet With Israeli Diplomats

                  Ronen Plot

                  EAJC Representatives Meet With Israeli Diplomats


                  On the 12th of May, the Chairman of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Josef Zisels was part of a group of Jewish leaders of Ukraine that met with the Director General of the Ministry for Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora Ronen Plot and the Ambassador Plenipotent of the State of Israel in Ukraine Zina Kalai-Kleatman. The meeting also included EAJC General Council Member, Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies Dr. Anatoly Podolsky, Director of the Ukrainian Center of Jewish Education Yana Yanover, President of the Jewish Forum of Ukraine Arkady Monastyrsky, as well as the Head Rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine Yakov Dov Blaich.

                  The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of memorial events for 70 years since the beginning of the Babiy Yar execution of Kyivan Jews.