The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Salutes New Chairman of Conference Of Presidents
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Salutes New Chairman of Conference Of Presidents

                  Richard Stone

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Salutes New Chairman of Conference Of Presidents


                  The leadership of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) has sent salutations to Richard Stone for his being appointed as Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Richard Stone will be replacing Alan Solow on this post.

                  Richard Stone is a noticeable figure in the Jewish life of the the USA. A professor of law in the Columbia, a businessman specializing in venture capitals, he was an activist for the rights of Soviet Jews in the 1970s. Stone was part of the leadership of many Jewish organizations, and in recent years has been the chairman of the Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Eurasia (NCSJ).

                  The salutation, signed by EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, and General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, reads: "We, the former "Jews of Silence," remember your name from the 1970s, when you were one of those who actively organized and participated in the movement for the rights of Soviet Jews."

                  We are certain that you will be able to do even more for the Jews of America at your new post, with your many years of work experience in leading Jewish structures.

                  The Conference of Presidents was and shall remain one of the EAJC's strategic partners. An important example of our collaborative activity are our diplomatic missions to different countries, which have in past years included the Republic of South Africa, Greece, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Marocco.

                  Our organizations have worked out positions of solidarity in many questions of Jewish and world politics, and have presented a united front. We are certain that our strategic partnership will continue, and truly hope for an even more fruitful relationship."