EAJC President Announces Intention to Create International Information Resource
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC President Announces Intention to Create International Information Resource

                  EAJC President Announces Intention to Create International Information Resource


                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) has spoken at the concluding section of the ILR (International Leadership Reunion) forum in Washington. He professed the intention to create an international news network, like the Arabian Al-Jazeera. The aim of the new project will be "to provide truthful informatio about Israel" and "systematic counteraction to attempts to delegitimize the Jewish state."

                  In his talk with journalists, Alexander Mashkevich stressed the following: "The main instruments that spread and strengthen anti-Israeli ideas are well-tuned informational resources. In the XXIst century, the only way to oppose informational evil is through informational means. This is why I believe it is necessary to create a powerful international Jewish informational resource. This idea requires serious material investments and intellectual resources. But once we will have created this instrument, we will be able to finally give a worthy answer to the ideological enemies of the Jewish state – on their own playing field, with their very own weapons."