EAJC Statement On Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Statement On Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem

                  EAJC Statement On Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) strongly condemns the terrorist attack in the capital of Israel. This terrorist attack was arranged in one of the busiest points of Jerusalem, and it is obvious that the organizers' goal was to reach the maximum number of victims.

                  A cynical crime has been committed against a backdrop of incessant rocket attacks on Israeli territory from Gaza., and we must state that terrorist war has once again been declared upon the Jewish state.
                  At the same time, attempts to delegitimize Israel are continuing in countries around the world. These attempts, in particular, use the Israeli responses to the actions of the terrorists. At the same time, certain circles in the so-called liberal society turn a hypocritically blind eye to terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.

                  We once again declare that terror can have no justification, whatever the political or moral motives that terrorists may use to  cover up their actions. We appeal to the international community and encourage all who cherish the values of justice, dignity, and human rights to speak out strongly against the use of a policy of double standards.

                  The EAJC expresses solidarity with the Government and people of Israel in their confrontation with terror. We express our deep condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. We sympathize with all those who suffered in the terrorist act and wish them a fast recovery.

                  Alexander Mashkevich,
                  EAJC President

                  Michael Chlenov,
                  EAJC Secretary General

                  Josef Zisels,
                  EAJC General Council Chairman