Second Session of the Russian-Israel Cooperation Forum
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Second Session of the Russian-Israel Cooperation Forum

                  Second Session of the Russian-Israel Cooperation Forum


                  In the summer of 2010, a new organization was created in Moscow – the Russian-Israel Cooperation Forum (RICF). The founders of the forums were, from the Israeli side, the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya (IDC) Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS| and, from the Russian side, the Russian Public Policy Center (RPPC). Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Professor Michael Chlenov became part of the RICF Coordination Council.

                  The main task of the Forum is to aid in the development of Russian-Israel relations, and the building of a web of social and political contacts between the elites of the two countries.

                  This February, the second session of the RICF took place in Herzliya. Among those who participated were: RPPC Chairman A. Trubetskoy, RPPC leaders F. Shelov-Kovedyayev and A. Kondyakov, General D. Rotshild, Executive Director of the Herzliya Conference M. Altar. The EAKC was represented by Deputy Secretary General Haim Ben-Yakov.

                  The hottest topics were: questions of counteracting terrorism, mutually beneficial cooperation in development of modern technologies, creation of Russian-Israeli workgroups for particular projects, and the participation of Russian politicians and experts in the next Herzliya conference.

                  The third RICF session is planned for September 2012, in Yaroslavl.