Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance” Camp Counselors Held Under Kyiv
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                  Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance” Camp Counselors Held Under Kyiv

                  Josef Zisels Participates In Discussion

                  Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance” Camp Counselors Held Under Kyiv


                  On the 18-20 of February, a seminar for the teachers of the international children's camp "Roots of Tolerance" took place. The camp is held according to a unique method – by submerging the children into National Days, they have the opportunity to learn about the cultures of the peopleof Ukraine, the learn the principles of tolerance, to learn the history of peoples and the development of the national life of the country.

                  50 representatives of 12 national communities of Ukraine participated in the seminar: Ukrainian, Greek, Jewish, Moldavan, Romanian, Polish, Crimean Tatar, Tatar, Bulgarian, Armenian, Russian, German, as well as a group of teachers from Moldova.

                  The aim of the seminar as to provide advanced training for the workers of the "Roots of Tolerance" camp, to improve the National Days, and to learn new methods of counteracting discrimination and xenophobia.

                  The program of the seminar included practical training, work in mini-groups, presentations, discussions about the experiences of past camps, discussions on tolerance, meetings with tolerance clubs. The lessons for the young camp counsellors were held by experienced counsellors and pedagogues – Irina Kostyuk, Oleg Ohredko, Marina Govoruhina, Natalia Bakunina. Special attention was devoted to teaching the participants the basics of project management and work with the mass media. The counsellors discussed the results of the 2010 camp, and formulated the goals and tasks of the 2011 camp.

                  In the first day of the seminar, the participants visited the following organizations: the Debate Academy, Insight, the International Organization for Migration, the Dutch Refugee Council, the Ukrainian Holocaust Research Center, and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.

                  The seminar is organized by the Congress of National Communities of Ukraine (Executive Vice President Josef Zisels, Executive Director Anna Lenchovskaya).