Round Table on Xenophobia Takes Place in Kyiv
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Round Table on Xenophobia Takes Place in Kyiv

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman Josef Zisels and Congress of National Communities of Ukraine (CNCU) Executive Director Anna Lenchovskaya

                  Round Table on Xenophobia Takes Place in Kyiv


                  The round table "Problem of Xenophobia in Ukraine: Causes and Effects" has taken place in Kyiv. Its participants included politicians, parliamentaries, public figures, and experts. Among the speakers were Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, Congress of National Communities of Ukraine (CNCU) Executive Director Anna Lenchovskaya, and EAJC General Council member, xenophobia expers Vyacheslav Likhachev.

                  Josef Zisels emphasized the inadmissability of political speculation around the problems of minority rights and questions of language. Anna Lenchovskaya spoke of experience of work with children and teenagers from different ethnic communities in the international summer camp "Roots of Tolerance," which has been held by the CNCU, with EAJC support, annualy for 8 years now. Vyacheslav Likhachev divulged the results of long-term studies in monitoring xenophobia, and called for politicians and public figures to rely on valid interpretations of information that corresponds to the actual state of affairs in their work and public speeches.