Armenian Jewish Community Leader: “We have always felt safe in Armenia”
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                  Armenian Jewish Community Leader: “We have always felt safe in Armenia”

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council member Rimma Vadrjyapetyan-Feller

                  Armenian Jewish Community Leader: “We have always felt safe in Armenia”


                  The Israeli Counter Terrorism Bureau has made strong recommendations against visits by Israel citizens to such countries as Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Cote d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Venezuela and... Armenia, because the risk of terroristic acts against Israelis abroad is supposedly high in connection with the anniversary of the killing of a high-ranking Hezbollah military commander.

                  However, has noted that the chairman of the Arrmenian Jewish community, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council member Rimma Vardjyapetyan-Feller said that such an attitude towards Armenia could be called an obvious provocation. “Of course, nobody is insured against dangers anywhere, and I'm no expert in this sphere. But I want to stress that Armenia always was and still is a tolerant countries, where many representatives of different nationalities and faiths live. This is a totally tolerant country,” she stated.

                  According to Rimma Vardjyapetyan-Feller, the Jews and Armenians of Armenia have always been in good relations. “Especially since we now have the possibility to take our communication to a whole new level thanks to the direct aerial link between Israel and Armenia. This means the development of tourism for both sides – to Biblical Armenia and the the Holy Land of Israel. According to just my data, Armenia is visited by 40 Israelis each month. I am certain that during the tourist season their number will grow by several magnitudes at once. At the same time, mutually beneficial projects in business, science, and medicine are also being developed. And, in general, this is a very tolerant country where we feel ourselves completely comfortable.” The chairman of the Armenian Jewish community commented.