EAJC Secretary General to Participate in Round Table on Delegitimization of Israel
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                  EAJC Secretary General to Participate in Round Table on Delegitimization of Israel

                  EAJC Secretary General, professor Michael Chlenov

                  EAJC Secretary General to Participate in Round Table on Delegitimization of Israel


                  The Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Professor Michael Chlenov will take part in a round table on the problem of delegitimization of the State of Israel. The round table will take place in Jerusalem on December 19-21. under the aegis of the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and the government of Israel. The Israeli side is holding a meeting dedicated to "present day challenges," which is to be overseen by the Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon.

                  There will be 23 professional leaders from the most important local communities and organizations from different countries of the world. The EAJC will be represented by an expert, Professor Michael Chlenov.

                  "Holding this kind of meeting in Israel shows the readiness of the Diaspora, including the Diaspora of the post-Soviet countries, to not only oppose the delegitimization of Israel itself, but to call upon their fellow countrimen of different nationalities and faiths to do the same," the EAJC Secretary General underscores. "It is important to unite those who understand that solving the Near East conflict is one thing, and doubting the right of the Jewish state to exist is something else entirely. In general, doubting the right of any nation to exist is fraught with the danger of destroying the system of international law, and is thus a threat to the entire existing world order,"

                  Before the meeting, the participants were offered seven questions of the problem of the delegitimization of the Jewish state and opposition to this phenomenon. The council of leading Jewish expert is to find an answer to these questions, and to create recommendations for the State of Israel and the entire Jewish world.

                  As EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich notes, "It is important that the voice of the Jewry of our region will be heard at this representative meeting, which may be of serious importance for the future Jewish state and the Jewish communities of the world, and that our activity in opposing the delegitimization of Israel is seen."