EAJC President Introduces Torah Scroll to "Yitzhak's Tent" Synagogue
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                  EAJC President Introduces Torah Scroll to "Yitzhak's Tent" Synagogue

                  EAJC President Introduces Torah Scroll to "Yitzhak's Tent" Synagogue


                  On the 9th of December, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich introduced a Torah scroll ob behalf of the Congress to a synagogue of the Moscow Jewish religious group "Yitzhak's Tent." The ceremony was attended by close to 200 people. The guests of honor included the Head Rabbi of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the EAJC Rabbi Council Adolph Shaevich, the Head Rabbi of Russia (Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia) Berl Lazar, Head Rabbi of Ukraine Reuven Asman, Rabbi of the Bolshaya Bronnaya Synagogue Yitzhak Kohen, Head of the Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich, President of the Jewish Congress of Moldova, EAJC Vice President Emmanuil Greenshpun, EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov, and EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels.

                  Alexander Mashkevich in his speech underscored the special ties between the EAJC and the "Yitzhak's Tent" community, one of the founders of which, Merab Elashvili, is an EAJC Vice President. During the celebration, the EAJC leader also presented the highest Congress social awark – the "For Merits" medal – to the President of the Charity Fund "GMR – Planet of Good" and the "Yitzhak's Tent" synagogue, Georgiy Elashvili.

                  The eldest grandson of Isak Elashvili, son of Georgiy Elsahvili, also named Isak, spoke a reply, in which, on behalf of his family, he gave great thanks for the honor granted to the EAJC President.