New EAJC Herald Published
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  New EAJC Herald Published

                  EAJC Secretary General Professor Michael Chlenov

                  New EAJC Herald Published


                  The eighth edition of the “Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Herald” (August-September 2010, or elul 5770 – tishrei 5771) has been published in Moscow by the office of EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov.
                  In his address to the readers, the Secretary Genersal says: “The anti-Israeli campaign in Western countries grows stronger still. If previously the opponents of the Jewish state used to merely express their displeasure with the policy of the Jewish authorities, now the radical Left in Europe attempts to question the very right of the State of Israel to exist; like Palestinian radicals, they believe that all of Israel's territory is occupied. Accusations of apartheid, colonialism, and so on, towards Israel are becoming more and more frequent in Western countries. This forced accumulation of anti-Zionist moods is a threat to the safety of Western Jewish communities and their Jewish citizens in general. Seven activists of the independent Jewish movement in 70-80s USSR, disturbed by this turn of events, have put forward a call for a world conference on the problem of the delegitimization of Israel. Judging by the letters the EAJC receives, this “call of the seven” has found support.”